Why are you looking at me like that . Im lucky, i just had to catch my breath, and i ll run away right away. Korolych that everything is fine with him, he is in the next room, he is alive, that means he is alive. Normal guy, but your music, which was cancelled, no, im rehearsing, listen, hunt, listen, definitely listen, ill put you in prison before, doctor he said, its okay, youll get better soon, promise me. Just promise so that it wont be calm, as long as the sberiki, heres ryok. I have, except you, and since there is no one else left, seryogin, you and i are still at his wedding on the beach. Lets dance, youre beautiful, well, go, otherwise im tired, do you think ill just leave . So, who is this standing here . Come on, lie back down. Karl, what . What do you want . Tomorrow, tomorrow, karl, tomorrow, lets go, lets go, now. Now we will rest and go, but you leave her already, alexander romanovich, this is now a formality, you are offering to leave what is supposed to hang, about . Te
People signed or 300,000 in favor of to provide weapons there and apply for weapons permits, please excuse me, uh, well , in general, to adopt legislation to officially allow weapons, yes, well, in households, so that everyone adequate can carry a weapon, uh, and , example, the American Experience shows that in those states where free ownership of weapons is not enough, where. If you dont have a gun, it seems in vermont, well, im not ready to say for all the states, how many states are there, where, if you dont if you have no weapons at all, then you have to pay an additional tax there, because you dont have weapons, so you have to pay for the fact that you will be protected, and the history of the United States shows that the more weapons there are in the hands of the population, the less crimes, thats such a. Parallel, but in there will be a lot of us lobbyists now, so lets not allow them there, although it will not lead to anything, because there will be an extremely large number of
Choirmaster and author of musical arrangements for performances and concerts. For more than 20 years of work in the theater, ruzhena managed to go on tour in 10 countries of the world, including portugal and france. As a choirmaster, she collaborated with the Kyiv National academic operetta theater. I never wanted to change my theater for another one. For years spent on the stage and contribution to the development of ukrainian culture, in 2021, by decree of the president of ukraine, rublev was awarded the title of peoples artist of ukraine. But she did not stay as a people for long, because she betrayed this title by defecting to the side of the invaders to the accompaniment of a russian balalaika. When kherson was attacked by the orcs, lyubov rublyovas love for ukraine and her native theater disappeared somewhere. In return ambitions appeared, i already wanted to perform on the big russian stage. Ruzhena took her steps of treason gradually. First, in the summer of 2022, she became th
Russia has advanced near ocheretin, near berdychi, staromaisky and krasnogorovka and continues to build on its success right now. Our fighters established a foothold in semyonovka and nitailovo. At these moments of the offensive, the karlovsky reservoir is moving towards the karlovskoye reservoir, which is where the new line of defense of the Ukrainian Armed forces is now located. The ukrainian general staff fears an emergency losses are also work, for which zelensky paid about 100 in the summer. Tasks are set for us by headquarters or commanders or intelligence, they say there are Armored Vehicles here and there, now we are working on the front line, during the day it is fpv, at night bombers, that is, combat work goes on continuously , is constantly in the information field of the entire brigade, broadcasts, communication with battalions, services, artillery, but of course its not enough for us, of course we dont have enough of everything now, were flying around on our drones. These
It was delivered to us at all, because there was no electricity in Novaya Kakhovka for a month and a half, but it was turned on literally a week ago. Uh, actually, i read a story where a woman came to get this water, and she lost her nerve, and she shouted to the russian soldiers, to one of them, that they should get out of here, to which he started shooting in the air and threatening her that he would just shoot her, well, this is some kind of unbearable simple life. I was told about this by a person who. Didnt see it, it really was such an event, and besides, listen, i wanted to ask one more thing, mr. Volodymyr, if you read the balance, the balance, then he literally, well, writes every day, that the Ukrainian Army shelled a new tile, he has other legends there says that the Ukrainian Army is attacking a bread truck, they fired at a car carrying loaves of bread. The Ukrainian Army fired at the hospital, the Ukrainian Army fired at the mobile tower and the repair crew that was repair