The washington journal this morning. We send you over to live coverage of the d. C. Circuit court of appeals. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] these adding unconstitutional burdens of process to punish michael flynn, judge sullivan discarded any semblance of an impartial adjudicator that he had been extolled. As the cornerstone of any system of justice worth the label. Four rulings are required to conclude this article. The judges position must be flatly denied with clear language the judge has no standing to seek relief in this because hee ruling has invested himself in his prosecution of general flynn, there is now a glaring appearance of bias to millions of citizens. Requires the vacation of and forth, they must compel the District Court to grant the dismissal as a matter of law. Only department of justice can decide the Pu