Glas Quartet, a vibrant and exciting Irish collective of Louth-based professional musicians brings a charming classical music show for your littlest ones to An .
To coincide with national efforts to acknowledge the contributions of volunteers during the pandemic, Louth Volunteer Centre with the assistance of Louth County.
Two very different but equally enjoyable evenings of music are lined up as pre-Christmas treats that can be enjoyed from the comfort of your home.
First up is Glas Quartet who are presenting Ceol by Candlelight , an evening of Christmas songs and traditional Irish favourites this Tuesday evening at 7pm.
The Quartet, comprising flautist Vourneen Ryan, violinist Ailbhe Kirkan, violist Annemarie McGahon and cellist Aoife Dennedy, are inviting audiences to relax, cosy up and enjoy the music.
Having got together earlier this year when the pandemic restrictions brought an end to their regular national and international engagements, the four have been busy making music together.