I booked the GLA 220d4M two weeks back, after extensive test drive of the GLA 220d, GLA 220d4M, BMW18d and the Volvo XC40. I couldn t drive the Q3 as I did not get any response to my request for a
The latest Mercedes GLC is looking to find even more takers in the Indian luxury car space that is seeing a constant uptick in SUV preference. But does it deliver on all its promises?
first guy. ron desantis punch line. it is so bad that the gla governor is spending this we ll spending his education standards that require middle schoolers to learn the benefits of lake-effectry. slavery and folks who eventually parlayed being a black smith into doing things later in life. i have to hand it to him, it is a rare day when tim scott and kamala harris are criticizing you over the same thing. and he turned into a speech about loyalty. you have to choose, are you going to side with kamala harris and liberal media or will you side with the state of florida and i think that it is very clear that these guys did a good
Gladiator Resources Limited (ASX:GLA – Get Rating) insider Matthew Boysen bought 750,000 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction on Tuesday, May 9th. The stock was purchased at an average cost of A$0.01 ($0.01) per share, for a total transaction of A$10,500.00 ($7,142.86). Matthew Boysen also recently made the following trade(s): On Thursday, March […]