They argue skill games bring violent crime. , “[C]ommonwealth’s attorneys from multiple localities reported that crimes such as assault and robbery have increased at establishments with gray machines.”
Exporters of Korea-manufactured agricultural goods and produce will be able to use a government-certified logo, enabling the country s strong local industry players to bolster global brand recognition for their healthy products, the food ministry said Tuesday. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs said the “K-Food” logo will be put on the packaging of export goods starting July 12.
Interest in Korean culture is higher than ever today, in line with the ever-growing popularity of K-content, which encompasses K-pop, movies, entertainment, and food sectors. Recently, TV programs have been featuring the launch of Korean restaurants overseas to promote the country s food to local people. In 2022, ATOMIX became the first Korean restaurant to be listed on the World s 50 Best Restaurants (W50B) - known as the Oscars of the culinary industry.
First it was K-pop, now it’s K-food: South Korea is showcasing to the world its culinary culture, from Michelin-star modern fare to traditional dishes and cooking techniques.