that s sort of what he set himself with going into this administration. but just as everyone has been saying about this press release, you know when steve bannon is sort of given top billing over the white house chief of staff, i think it s pretty telling that donald trump continues to want to have a pugnacious, aggressive tone going into this new administration. jim acosta, stay with me. just some other reporting this week from our gloria borger about why donald trump likes and trusts steve bannon so much. because one source telling gloria he is completely about winning. and also, one point that a source told our gloria borger that is often overlooked when it comes to steve bannon is that he is more pragmatic than you would think when trying to achieve a goal. for instance, not a huge paul ryan fan but encouraged donald trump not to go after paul ryan when paul ryan wasn t exactly on donald trump s side. let s dig into a lot more of this. jim and dana, stay with me, because my pan