this is not something playing out in the international diplomatic circuit as people vie for influence on a on a given nation overseas. this is coming into the context of an ongoing war in the middle of europe that again threatens to expand at any begin moment. the worst thing that you could have in a conflict is uncertainty by the major players. and if they are some level of ambiguity, as you are trying to scope the conflict and keep it small, to keep it from escalating, and from drawing in other nations, become biguity and you have trump saying these things that are at odd with the truth, and indicating to the kremlin and europe that there is certainly within him but potentially all of those other people who are listening to him, this alliance, this attraction,
now when things are far from perfect, when we re no longer in crisis mode about the economy, now we re asking, is capitalism actually good for america. and it s not even entirely clear how we re going to answer. joining me now, matt wealth, editor and chief of reason magazine. carmen rita wong who is author of the real cost of living. ki wright, features editor for the nation magazine. and jeffrey myron, who is director of economic studies at the cato institute. than thanks to everybody for being here. the harvard professor. how is it that capitalism is supposed to work? beyond the question of whether or not it s operating in that way, in a given nation, including ours, what kind of underpinning beliefs of capitalism? the crucial things about capitalism is businesses are