Forward The Future Free Of Hunger, Dispossession, And Destruction! Unparalleled urgency marks our annual commemoration of World Hunger Day amid imperialist machinations to advance a sinister agenda to monopolize further and exploit global food systems .
6 April 2022, Davao City/Quezon City. Non-government organizations (NGOs) from South, Southeast and East Asia, including the Philippines, have called on
Food & The Consumption Revolution: Green Justice On Your Grocery List 2020-12-16
It s time for dinner what will you prepare? The factors in your decision may include any or all of the following: your appetite, your beliefs, budget, schedule, location . or maybe just your mood. What you might not realize is that the very choices you end up making tonight will also influence what will or won t make it to the table tomorrow night.
Consumers are, in fact, co-producers of the food they buy. When they purchase ingredients from local, sustainable and ethical sources, it gives these suppliers more power and space on the market. While our individual purchase choices may seem insignificant when placed within the bigger picture, the fact is that all movements start with individual action, and grow with campaigns of education and awareness.