Of the more than 50,000 public high school students in New Hampshire, 32 participated this past school year in the state s Learn Everywhere program, which offers academic credits for work
New Hampshire Magazine
December 15, 2020
Sherry Hall (courtesy photo)
There’s something comforting about the wonderful smell of fresh baked bread, and Sherry Hall of Amherst has taken that sense of comfort to a new level during the pandemic.
Hall has combined her baking skills with a mission to contribute to others in an effort she’s tagged “Sher the Dough.” Since September, Sher the Dough has raised and donated just over $2,000 dollars for local charities.
“When COVID hit, we all had to shelter in place. I started cleaning and purging non-essentials, but I wanted to do something a bit more creative from home,” Hall says. “A very close friend was given a sourdough starter (a live fermented culture of flour and water), I asked her to share some with me and from then on, sourdough baking has been my obsession. I never would have thought how much this sourdough starter would mean to me. It’s been a true gift that keeps on giving.”