Working with 20-plus local businesses, the Exploring Program is for Bemidji High School students ages 14-20 to gain exposure to various career options through interactive, work-site-based learning.
The Bemidji Area Arts Endowment Fund, a component fund of the Northwest Minnesota Foundation, recently granted out more than $23,000 to support the arts in the Bemidji area.
The United Way of Bemidji Area has started its annual Holiday Gifts for Kids in an effort to ensure children in the area will receive a gift during the holiday season.
In partnership with Paul Bunyan Dog Training Association, the Bemidji Area Reading Canine, or BARC, program recently announced three new teams that have completed the required training.
A year’s worth of community collaboration and Bemidji artist Mary Therese’s artistic vision resulted in two eclectic displays expressing the community’s “Hopes, Dreams and Visions” for the future.