It was a brave assertion even before Lebanon’s terrible downfall over the past year or so.
Now, after the country suffered one of the world’s worst financial implosions coupled with one of the largest non-nuclear explosions, the statement seems to border on the ludicrous.
But Rahayel’s views are intentionally out of step with Lebanon’s recent public image. The boundlessly optimistic food blogger sees himself as an ambassador for the real Lebanon, “Lebanon as not seen on TV or in the news”, as he puts it.
Read his reviews, published on his blog No Garlic No Onions, or watch his videos on YouTube and you will indeed see a very different perspective; one where Lebanon’s God-given potential to be a tourist haven could soon be realised; where the rich community spirit and heritage of the Lebanese trumps their degrading, divisive politics; where food is served neither too hot nor too cold, nor too salty, nor too sweet.