In the news again. The mother of one going on national tv for an interview. One of the shooting victims has a message for her. Its a message of forgiveness. She shared her message through 9news reporter steve staeger. 10 08 dear anne marie, our prayers have been with you each day as we read about the terrible ordeal you and your family have experienced. 1015 sympathy is not something easily put into words. 10 49 when we read reports of your progress we marvel at your resolve. Yet these words. Have helped a wounded heart heal. 10 30 with deepest humility we apologize for the role our son dylan had in causing the suffering you and your family have endured. These words. Come from a hand written card delivered to Anne Marie Hochhalter and her family as she recovered at craig hospital. A letter from sue and tom klebold. 11 45 i could almost feel the pain that she was in. 05 27 it just was so genuine and filled with sorrow and stayed with her. Spoke volumes. Through the anger. And it helped