Another big step in the struggle for the payment of the so-called "Historical Debt" was taken by the Metropolitan College of Teachers of Chile, led by its
Chile Woke Up and Opened Up the Great Avenues. 30.05.2021 - Santiago de Chile - Francisco Herreros
This post is also available in: Spanish (Image by Francisco Herreros)
The thesis of the acceleration of historical time, from the point of intersection between objective and subjective conditions, is the only one that was confirmed in the resplendent results of the elections of 15 and 16 May.
By Francisco Herreros
Indeed, if any Chilean, on 9 October 2019, when Piñera declared that “Chile is a true oasis in a convulsed Latin America”, had been predicted the results of 15-16 May 2021, he would undoubtedly have thought that the prophet was crazy.