person somebody might have hired for advice? you know, i think it s hard to argue they should have hired somebody who was truly dumb. and so i m happy to tell you i have been a very successful businessman. i m not as successful as mitt. he is coming off as charles van dorn or somebody, somebody you just hire because of their uniquely high i.q. i would say this. he is clearly the highest paid historian in american history. people complain if you re going to the humanities you don t make as much money but this may do a lot for that career path. it is nonsense. he was very critical of those policies. i am struck by his ability to say things that clearly make no sense. also i gather he said it was the money wasn t paid to him. oh, yeah. it was paid to the gingrich
influence the congress. and this notion that it was the gingrich group and not him is nonsense. the gingrich group was in fact him. so the man is just lying. he s been caught at it. and nothing i think the most hypocritical thing i ve ever seen was this clip of him in 2008 denouncing senator obama as he then was for taking money from fannie mae and freddie mac, when gingrich was getting far more money at this very minute than president obama was. what do you think he did to earn $37 million which is now reported in today s washington post in bloomberg from the healthcare industry in advocating for the prescription drug benefit and for other changes that benefitted the healthcare industry? well, we can look at the results. when the prescription drug bill went through, and while i d like to see us older people have a drug prescription program when we re not working, he got it done in a very particular way. the department of veterans affairs bargains with the drug
for the legislation. i changed my position. but i was irrelevant first a house run by newt gingrich and then tom delay. in 2007 when chris dodd and i first became chairs of the committee, that s when the legislation was adopted. it s now very clear. we gave the secretary of the treasury under george bush, who acknowledges that we were the ones who did it, the power to put them into conservatorship. he put them into conservatorship in 2008. and newt lost $30,000 a month. so i understand why he s displeased. by the way he s up in your next of the woods today. he s at the coop at harvard and also speaking at the institute of politics doing a book signing. i know massachusetts doesn t have a presidential primary but apparently books are still on the agenda. i want to show you a few of the headlines today. because newt is definitely in the headlines today. but it s not because of his campaigning. it s because of his former finances as a very successful businessman. he really created quite
lobbyist, number one. number two that he doesn t know how much money he made from freddie mac because the money went to the gingrich group. does that pass the smell test? no. well, if it does it shows how prosperous he was. because we now know what was at least 1.6 million. if he can t remember a single client who gave him 1.6 five years ago, then the money was pouring. in but the fact is mr. gingrich says he s a businessman. he produced no good or service. what he did was to influence public policy. that s an entirely legitimate thing to do. but he was not a private businessman in the sense that he had a good idea about a product that would meet people s needs or a service that would meet the private sectors needs. he got paid. i heard him being interviewed. they said how come you got so much money? he said well i was a former speaker. being a former speaker doesn t do much if you are helping people with their travel plans, if you re helping people by producing an iphone. it helps i
uniquely high i.k. he is the highest historian paid in history. this may do a lot for the career path. it s just nonsense. advice about what? if it was advice about what kind of policies to follow, he was very critical of those policies. again, i m just struck by his ability to say things that clearly make no sense. also, i gather he said the money wasn t paid to him. oh, yeah. it was paid to the gingrich group. not him. i thought the gingrich group were his wives. i thought that was what congressman, you re not aware of the new lingo, corporations are people too. here s an interesting reaction to the latest news. jack abramoff, back for rec la phaeugz, he went to jail for three and a half years on