Through Oct. 15, FreshDirect is showcasing its appreciation for its Hispanic vendors and their productos deliciosos, all available on the online grocer’s website. These brands are also highlighted on FreshDirect’s homepage in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month. They include: Siponey: This beverage brand was founded by cocktail industry veteran Amanda Victoria and her partner, horticulturist and business operations […]
RedDecimal, who are well-known for launching many successful health food brands including Kevita, Juice Served Here, Forager and VINA, are excited to introduce
DE LA CALLE, a new sparkling fermented & probiotic pineapple drink that takes a modern approach to Tepache - one of the most traditional and beloved drinks found in Mexico.
DE LA CALLE s Tepache is a modern take on a delicious probiotic beverage that hails from the traditions of pre-Colombian Mexico. We use organic ingredients, authentic Mexican recipes, and time to craft our Tepache that is perfect to sip alone or paired with tequila to make a flavorful craft cocktail.