Marvin Becker, age 87, of Deer Creek, Minnesota, passed away peacefully surrounded by family on April 9, 2024, at the Centra Care Hospital Long Prairie, MN after living at the Central Todd County Care Center (Clarissa) for the past 4 months. Funeral Services were held on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church in Deer Creek, Minnesota with Pastor Donald Wagner officiating. Congregational Hymns were accompanied by Marcus Lueders. Pallbearers were Bryce, Mason, Parker, and Gage Schmidgall. Military Honors were provided by American Legion Post #283 of Deer Creek, and the United States Navy Honor Guard of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Bud was laid to rest at Oak Hill Cemetery, Deer Creek, Minnesota.
London’s Ginger Line has suddenly turned into a rainbow. Not only has Sadiq Khan given stretches of the Overground new colours, they have also been renamed. And, unsurprisingly, the Mayor, shrieval overlord of diversity and inclusivity, has chosen names that reinforce a particular view of London’s, and Britain’s, history, one that celebrates (or if we’re being more cynical, fetishises) the contributions, experiences and struggles of women and minorities.