The ground will be prepared for a possible new library building near city hall as the annex building is set to tumble. The city announced it will begin the next stage of revisioning the city hall site to “meet the future needs of the community” with the demolition of the annex building work which began in earnest last week. The new space could be re-purposed “for other civic
A celebration of life for a police officer who was killed in an avalanche last week is being held in Nelson, B.C. Const. Wade Tittemore, 43, died Jan. 9 after being buried in an avalanche while skiing with a colleague on a mountain northwest of Kaslo, B.C.
Creation of a city communications policy and a code of conduct for council created confusion amongst some councillors. The City Communications Policy as presented to council by the Ginger Lester, city communications coordinator, last month is expected to govern how the city communicates with the public about policies, program, services and initiatives. “The policy aims to
by Timothy Schafer on Tuesday June 01 2021
Nelson Farmers Market is now under control of the city through the Nelson and District Youth Centre.
A possible return of the Nelson Farmer’s Market to Baker Street on Wednesday and the future role of founding organization West Kootenay EcoSociety are questions left unanswered as the new market season has begun.
Although the market had a late start to the 2020 season due to the COVID-19 outbreak last year, it still managed to move ahead and host 37 markets overall by the time the season ended in late fall, said market manager Jordan Martin in an online report to city council recently.