The july 1st but for the september 1st, i wanted to say for the record, how much i love monica and will misher thank you. So my report. In your packets, today, you get this long laundry list that the activities, the department has been engaged in since the last Commission Meetings what i have done is pulled out a few things, i want to call to your attention, because i think theyre emblematic of the story we do with the department. The first one in the nail salon you heard about the nail salon project from our fearless staffer, who is anya is just a wonderful part of our department she has colleagues who work fearlessly with her on this as women, she mentioned a new york times, article, a big piece was done on salon workers, in new york city. There was a lot uncovered in that, we dont know how much of that is relevant here in terms of poor treatment flash flood salon workers, in terms of wages, and hours what we do know is the toxic chemicals are in new york are the same as here. Becaus