Recounts are continuing in several municipal races across New Brunswick after tight results in elections last month. One tie has led to a request for a judicial recount.
(Image: Elections New Brunswick)
Two municipal election recounts in Greater Saint John have ended with no changes in the overall outcome.
In Saint John, Ward 4 candidate Gina Hooley
requested a recount after finishing in third place, eight votes behind councillor-elect Paula Radwan and 21 votes behind Greg Stewart.
Elections New Brunswick spokesperson Paul Harpelle said Hooley and Radwan each received one additional vote as a result of the recount, which took place over the course of three days and ended at 1:30 p.m. Thursday.
Harpelle said there were two ballots, believed to have been mailed in, that the tabulation machine was unable to detect a vote for. When the ballots were examined during the recount, it was determined the votes were cast for Hooley and Radwan.