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there s that the trump administration or people close to the president can t quite get their stories straight pertaining to connections or communications with russia and that s obviously a problem. right. kaitlin, today, president trump went on this twitter tired, including this one i want to show everybody. a new intelligence leak from the amazon washington post, this time against a.g. jeff sessions, these illegal leaks like comey s must stop. and then senator chuck grassley from iowa also tweeted on this. sessions, russia, washington post story. he said if the leaker thinks there s a problem, leak the full text immediately so it can be investigated. help stop speculation. some people are asking if the white house could be the source of the story in order to justify getting rid of a.g. sessions. do you think there s any validity to that. it s anonymous sourced. it s hard to say where the leak is but it seems unlikely. it s hard to say, but it just seems, given all the kind o
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