07/02/2022 - In the running for the Golden Bear, Ursula Meier’s movie leads an array of films which also includes upcoming works by Dominik Moll and Tarek Saleh, and a market screening of Tropic of Violence
07/02/2022 - In the running for the Golden Bear, Ursula Meier’s movie leads an array of films which also includes upcoming works by Dominik Moll and Tarek Saleh, and a market screening of Tropic of Violence
07/02/2022 - In the running for the Golden Bear, Ursula Meier’s movie leads an array of films which also includes upcoming works by Dominik Moll and Tarek Saleh, and a market screening of Tropic of Violence
07/02/2022 - In the running for the Golden Bear, Ursula Meier’s movie leads an array of films which also includes upcoming works by Dominik Moll and Tarek Saleh, and a market screening of Tropic of Violence