Ads Club competes in national tournament
Posted By: Features Editor
April 21, 2021
Dionte Berry
After nearly two semesters of work and preparation, the Ads Club competed in the annual National Student Advertising Competition sponsored by the American Advertising Federation.
Each year, competing schools are given a client to make an advertising campaign for and then given a list of criteria and a budget to go by. The campaign serves to expand the brand of their client and bring in new customers.
This year, the team was led by senior advertising major Matthew Anderson who is president and project manager of Ads Club.
Community discusses struggles with mental health
Posted By: News Editor
March 11, 2021
Edie Greenberg
Students and professors are stressed out and searching for ways to relax, especially with the absence of a spring break.
With only two months left in the spring semester, students continue to have their schedules filled with a mixture of Zoom and in-person classes. Some students and professors are suffering from pre-existing mental health issues and are having a hard time as the strain of the pandemic adds to the challenges of a daily routine.
Many students are working one or more jobs, and some have families to support. Juggling work, school and family can be difficult in the best of circumstances. This strain of juggling challenges is particularly difficult for those who already struggle with their mental health.