Stories of Elgin residents are told through photos and video interviews in the exhibit, "Open Book: Every Life is a Story," on display in August at Gail Borden Public Library in downtown Elgin. An opening reception will be held Thursday, Aug. 4.
Elgin group brings focus to youth gambling risks with photo project The Coalition for a Safe & Healthy Elgin is partnering with the Illinois Association for Behavioral Health for a photo program that focuses on youth gambling prevention. The group has done a photo project with kids in the past and hope to display the works at a gallery space as they did here in this 2019 photo. COURTESY OF GIL FELICIANO
Posted5/11/2021 5:33 AM
The Coalition for a Safe & Healthy Elgin is turning its focus to youth gambling prevention. Literally.
The group is partnering with the Illinois Association for Behavioral Health in a statewide program designed to bring awareness to the topic with a photography project.