priorities.ñjzez twitter, one sounds like he s trying for a gig at network instead of being the president. so he s going to have to get the nomination first before he starts talking to people who are=ç not in the republican party. it seems like he s making that difficult for? v on that note, tammy let s bring in chuck. isn t thatu@ the point? you had 3007 respondents for the poll and 42% of them are uhsz9qm9 you re talk being a ñ younger demo. 02ç-1ñ bringing you into the conversation now that young demo, they want that person who is going to talk the talk and z[y just in the beginning to certain people on board. maybe that s why rand paul won. he wants to decriminalize marijuana, maybe there is a lot of folks want to have a good time. rq in a row. i think he sn the big winner here. i think it was ironic that he took on bush earlier in the week calling%2xt him a smoking marijuana, then calling him a rich boy and calling this $yh tuff and that and kinde#ñ of