In this installment of Traffic Jammin, we take a trip to The Yukon and see if the music scene is worth the region s weight in gold. New releases: "Paper Sons" by Erica Dee Mah from Paper Wealth [May 8, 2024] "Bummed Her Out" by Trailer Park Trash Cats from Off The Leash [May 20, 2024] "Awkward Questions" by Jordy Walker from Gifted With Fiction [April 26, 2024] Background music: Daniel Janke, Available Light, "Giant" Daniel Janke, Available Light, "Eleanor s Waltz" Daniel Janke, Available Light, "Available Light" Photos: Stampeders, loaded with gear, wait in line starting up Chilkoot Pass. National Park Service, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Candy Waugaman Collection, KLGO Library SS-126-8831 Sourtoe Cocktail Ad courtesy of courtesy Downtown Hotel