Welcome to another big episode of cable news keg party we call fox news Saturday Night. A show where everybody is welcome to be republican be a democrat, just dont be a leap. Can i get an amen from the panel . Therapist. I was like a black church amen. [laughter] what a fine panel. A Superstar Jewish comedian which explains why hes never booked and columbia university. A comedian and podcast powerhouse and used to write for playboy or now its called play person. The Legendary Bridget is here. Another comedy and according to twitter the only black friend im allowed to have. [applause] i posted a video of Me And Kareem Trump year end a d. C. Party and there was some very upset responses, people are like you are a traitor, how could you be such a rhino . I was like relax, its okay. [laughter] but as you all know and i want to ask you, comics are trying to be cool with everyone number one and nevermind that shes a black lesbian drunk at a party which is the first half of every video in my
Welcome to another big episode of cable news keg party we call fox news Saturday Night. A show where everybody is welcome to be republican be a democrat, just dont be a leap. Can i get an amen from the panel . Therapist. I was like a black church amen. [laughter] what a fine panel. A Superstar Jewish comedian which explains why hes never booked and columbia university. A comedian and podcast powerhouse and used to write for playboy or now its called play person. The Legendary Bridget is here. Another comedy and according to twitter the only black friend im allowed to have. [applause] i posted a video of Me And Kareem Trump year end a d. C. Party and there was some very upset responses, people are like you are a traitor, how could you be such a rhino . I was like relax, its okay. [laughter] but as you all know and i want to ask you, comics are trying to be cool with everyone number one and nevermind that shes a black lesbian drunk at a party which is the first half of every video in my
Welcome to another big episode of cable news keg party we call fox news Saturday Night. A show where everybody is welcome to be republican be a democrat, just dont be a leap. Can i get an amen from the panel . Therapist. I was like a black church amen. [laughter] what a fine panel. A Superstar Jewish comedian which explains why hes never booked and columbia university. A comedian and podcast powerhouse and used to write for playboy or now its called play person. The Legendary Bridget is here. Another comedy and according to twitter the only black friend im allowed to have. [applause] i posted a video of Me And Kareem Trump year end a d. C. Party and there was some very upset responses, people are like you are a traitor, how could you be such a rhino . I was like relax, its okay. [laughter] but as you all know and i want to ask you, comics are trying to be cool with everyone number one and nevermind that shes a black lesbian drunk at a party which is the first half of every video in my
The house and senate need to agree on a funding bill, but gh now, they are backing different versions of shortterm spending. Here is house debate prior to the failed vote. Recognition . Mr. Diazbalart i call up House Resolution 741 call up the bill h. R. 5525 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk a bill making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2024 and for other purposes. Pursuant to House Resolution 741 amendments printed in house report to 230 are adopted and the bill is considered. The bill shall be debated for one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and Ranking Member of the committee on appropriations or their respective designees. The gentleman from florida, mr. Diazbalart, and the gentlewoman from connecticut, ms. Delauro, each will control 30 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from florida. Mr. Diazbalart i ask unanimous consent that all members may have
House leadership has advised members that votes are possib in the house this weekend and to keep their schedule is flexible. The house and senate ne t agree on a funding bill, but right now they are backing different versions of shortterm spending. Here is the debate prior to the boat vote. Call up the bill h. R. 5525 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk a bill making continuing appropriations for fiscal year 2024 and for other purposes. Pursuant to House Resolution 741 amendments printed in house report to 230 are adopted and the bill is considered. The bill shall be debated for one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and Ranking Member of the committee on appropriations or their respective designees. The gentleman from florida, mr. Diazbalart, and the gentlewoman from connecticut, ms. Delauro, each will control 30 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from florida. Mr. D