always make sure that you have very clear beautiful pictures of your product on your phone so you can show it to anyone at any time. so it s your business tip number 12. be ready with a photo pitch on your phone. it is rapidly approaching small business saturday coming up on november 24th. we re getting the word out to get people to shop small and support their local businesses, especially when it comes to holiday shopping. it s what the cash mob movement is all about. unique way to get people to shop local. everybody. wave those 20s. let me see them. this mob of eager shoppers is not out to find a bargain at a giant superstore. might be more expensive but much more personal. they are a friendly mob, spontaneously descending on a local small business with the objective of spending $20. today i bought a pair of flip
in houston says always make sure you have very clear beautiful pictures of your product on your phone so you can show it to anyone at any time. so, it s your business tip number 12. be ready with a to pitch on your phone. it is rapidly approaching, small business saturday is coming up on november 24th. we re getting the word out to get people to shop small and support their local businesses, especially when it comes to holiday shopping. it s what the cash mall movement is about a unique way to get people to shop local. everybody, wave those 20s. this mob of eager shoppers is not out to find a bargain at a giant superstore. might be more expensive but mother-in-law. they are a friendly mob descending on a local small business with the objective of spending $20. today i bought a pair of foot