Virtual presentation showcases works by Italian Feminist artist Mariella Bettineschi
Mariella Bettineschi (1948 - ), Piumario (Feather box), 1981. Organza, feathers, gold, 30 x 120 x 4 cm. Courtesy the Artist and Richard Saltoun Gallery, London.
.- Part of Richard Saltouns Women 2.1 online series of exhibitions spotlighting female artists, this virtual presentation showcases works by Italian Feminist artist Mariella Bettineschi. The show, the first solo presentation of Bettineschis work at the gallery features a selection of works from one of her first series: the Piumari (Feather boxes).
At the beginning of the 1980s, after a long process of un-learning what I learnt in art school, the Piumari were born. The Piumari was one of the artists first series to give voice to her ongoing interest and research into alternative languages: the ability to transform and create new ways of thinking with our own breath and further illustrating womens capabilities