Emotionally overwhelmed by the heart-rending video of a Jammu and Kashmir boy Parvaiz, who walks to school on one leg despite dilapidated road conditions of his
Aiming to pursue his academics and co-curricular activities with determination, a disabled boy named Parvaiz walks to school on one leg to pursue his dreams in Handwara daily.
Aiming to pursue his academics and co-curricular activities with determination, a specially-abled boy named Parvaiz walks to school on one leg to pursue his dreams in Handwara daily.
Orchard Massacres
Umar Mukhtar reports the residents have lost hope of a possible dignified future
One of the apple orchards axed by the forest officials in Seikloo village in Pulwama. Pic: Muhammad Raafi
On November 28, Farooq Ahmad, 42, a resident of Sekloo hamlet of Pulwama trekked down a kilometre to the nearby Sonbanjar village to cast his vote. It was the first phase of the district development council (DDC) elections. Till now, Farooq had never voted.
Unlike past elections, Ahmad cast his vote in the hope to secure the possession of the land that he and his family has been cultivating for decades. A month ago, he and some other people were served the eviction notices by the forest department. They were asked to vacate the land within a week.