Discover the latest in luxury eyewear collections by Swarovski, a retrospective journey with Byredo's fragrance 'Mojave Ghost,' and PUPA's natural eyeshadow palette.
In a new range inspired by France’s patron saint, Elle Fanning has made her debut fronting an Alexander McQueen collection, alongside Naomi Campbell, Liu Wen and Eva Green.
The actress, 25, fronts a collaboration between the late designer s brand and photographer David Sims for an autumn 2023 collection. She posted about the ads on Instagram on Friday.
In a new range inspired by France’s patron saint, Elle Fanning has made her debut fronting an Alexander McQueen collection, alongside Naomi Campbell, Liu Wen and Eva Green.
COOK If you have an old bicycle or two taking up space in the garage, there’s an alternative to dumping them at a canister site the next time the cleaning mood strikes. Consider …