According to the investigating officer at the Gholvad police station, Sarjerao Kumbhar, the victim was found early on Friday in a half-burnt, semi-nude condition from a forested area. He was rushed to the Cottage Hospital in Dahanu and then to the Naval Hospital in Mumbai, where he succumbed to his injuries during treatment on Friday.In h
Shocking! Kidnapped Indian Navy sailor burnt alive in Maharashtra IANS
Palghar (Maharashtra): In a shocking incident, an Indian Navy sailor from Jharkhand, who was kidnapped in Chennai, was brought to Palghar where he was allegedly set afire for refusing to pay the ransom amount, the police said Saturday.
According to the investigating officer at the Gholvad police station, Sarjerao Kumbhar, the victim was found early Friday in a half-burnt, semi-nude condition from a forested area. He was rushed to the Cottage Hospital in Dahanu and then to the Naval Hospital in Mumbai, where he succumbed to his injuries during treatment Friday.
, Feb 6 (IANS) In a shocking incident, an Indian Navy sailor from Jharkhand, who was kidnapped in Chennai, was brought to Palghar where he was allegedly set afire alive for refusing to pay up the ransom amount, the police said on .