PARIS/NEW YORK, JUNE 20, 2022 Safe countries in Europe, North America, and elsewhere must help evacuate and offer protection to migrants trapped in Libya , said the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) today.
CAIRO: For many Libyans, clashes that erupted in the capital of Tripoli last month were all too familiar a deja vu of street fighting, reverberating gunfire and people cowering inside their homes. A video circulated online on the day, showing a man shouting from a mosque loudspeaker “Enough war, we want our young generation!“ The fighting underscored the fragility of Libya’s
CAIRO (AP) For many Libyans, clashes that erupted in the capital of Tripoli last month were all too familiar a deja vu of street fighting, reverberating gunfire and people cowering inside their homes.