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A Gettysburg Fourth!

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Community partners to host Gettysburg July 4 celebration

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Gettysburg Area School Board Candidate: Jimmy Phelps

Residence: Gettysburg, Ward 3 Education: Community College of Baltimore County – Criminal Justice Political Experience: None Community involvement: I am an assistant Scout Leader for Troop 79, an assistant baseball coach with Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball, a parent volunteer at Lincoln Elementary School, and a board member of GARA (Gettysburg Area Recreation Authority). What makes you the best candidate? I care about our community, including the school district. The best way to help out our community is not by complaining and criticizing from behind a keyboard. Volunteering and making the time to help others is an investment in our community and makes a difference, which is why I have been actively involved in numerous community organizations over the last five years. I also recognize that I don’t have all the answers to every problem, but I’m willing to put the time into finding them. As a school board member, I would seek out the opinions of individuals who have expert

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