what the white house is saying about president trump s meeting with president putin. plus in chicago, police are working with new tools to tackle the gun violence issues plaguing that city. we are live from atlanta, georgia this hour. this is cnn newsroom. getting heartburn doesn t mean i means i take rolaids®. rolaids® goes to work instantly neutralizing 44% more acid than tums® for fast, powerful relief of your worst heartburn. i trust my rolaids®. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. [brother] any last words? [boy] karma, danny. .karma! [vo] progress is seizing the moment. your summer moment awaits you, now that the summer of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month s lease payment on select models during the summer
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he thinks they re going to get there. i don t think they are far off. famous last words. i think we are going get there. i can t promise but i think we are going to get there. this is the question, how far are they? republicans can lose more than two votes to pass bill and there are currently five who said they cannot support it with even more saying that they are wait to go decide. louisiana s bill saying if changes are not made, he s not on board. right now i m undecided. there are things that affect my state. if those can be addressed, i will and if they can t be address, i won t. no democrats are supporting the bill as minority leader chuck schumer puts the odds at 50-50 the republicans can put it off. i think it s 50-50. we are doing everything we can to fight the bill because it s