Manisha Rani who has been currently entertaining the fans with her performances in Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 11. The social media star got hospitalised and her picture from the hospital got viral. Fans took to the X (formerly known as Twitter) to trend 'Get Well Soon Manisha' for the diva.
During a Monday series of engagements in Swindon, Queen Camilla was greeted by well-wishers with Get Well Soon cards for her husband, King Charles III and…
Looking back at this season, and trying to avoid recency bias where possible:
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Bobby Okereke: when Wink said, "if you have a slow Mike, you have a slow defense," that.
can we call? call who? bill clinton? you need to break a tiebreaker for us. lisa boothe wants to know if it was 26 or 75. but until then, got you. sorry we will get you next time. you can still hit him in the head with that. just make sure it s the head and nowhere else. my man luigi is out of surgery. let s see his beautiful face. there he is. i love you. get well soon. my man. wow, powell, child. let s do texts. charlie from northport new york. if biden was george washington he would surrender the british for 10%. denise from bucks county, pennsylvania. george washington couldn t tell a lie. joe biden can t tell the truth. both have wooden teeth too. doug from summit new jersey. jesse, why must you insult