female reproductive condition that begins with fertilization, b, occurs when the woman is carrying the developing human offspring, and c, is calculated from the first day of the woman s last menstrual period. so the definition here is going to be key moving forward, and it s why planned parenthood is preparing for what happens next. they say abortions scheduled for this week in oklahoma will likely go on as planned. but they re making plans to cancel next week. the governor is expected to sign it. he s shown his support for these bans in the past. the governor has said that his state will protect life. he says that churches and non-profit organizations are going to have to focus on adoptions, and he says they will focus on protecting the mothers who of course, this is one of those issues that you have all kinds of opinions on both sides of the aisle. but that will have big implications for women in oklahoma. jake? the legislation has measures in it that would punish doctors
ectopic pregnancies. your provider gives you a medication to end the pregnancy, because it will kill you, but the provider doesn t want to do that because they don t want to be prosecuted. and if they don t do it, they can be faced with some kind of civil action later formal practice when mom dies. this is not surprising. we shouldn t call it abortion, we should call it a ban on contraception. where we re headed is anti-abortion activists moving towards a treating any fertilized egg as human life, and we see we ll see ripple effects across the country. this is when five unelected people tinker with the constitution this way. this is what we see. it s a hot mess. there s also ivf care, couples that are having trouble conceiving, get ivf treatment.