but what does romney probably at a zoo. yeah. but what does romney do about this, if anything? well, i think this is, you know, as we are talking about this, you look at a state like new hampshire, where you had a very close race a couple of months ago. the president has a nine-point lead. that s a function of how the suburbs are reacting to these republican primaries. and mitt romney is not going to do himself any favors if he puts himself in a negotiation for rick santorum s support in the context now of the argument he is trying to have in the general election. so i think he s got to be very close to the line to tell rick santorum to go pound sand and to call his bluff and to say, you can stay somewhere in georgia for the convention, and you re not speaking, and, you know, santorum, you ve jumped the shark here, because if he gets into a public pandering, trying to get gingrich s support, trying to get santorum s support, it s going to totally derail his ability to deliver t