responsibility and pay really does not reflect that? absolutely, doing thins not reflect that? absolutely, doing thin . s that not reflect that? absolutely, doing things that junior not reflect that? absolutely, doing things that junior doctors - not reflect that? absolutely, doing things thatjunior doctors are - things thatjunior doctors are doing. gray i think you know the wages when you go in, you have the option. wages when you go in, you have the 0 tion. .. ., wages when you go in, you have the otion. ., ., .,, ., wages when you go in, you have the otion. ., . .,, ., ., option. you have the option to choose a option. you have the option to choose a different option. you have the option to choose a different career. - option. .. you have the option to choose a different career. i - option. you have the option to| choose a different career. i chose to be choose a different career. i chose to be a choose a different career. i chose to be a nurse choose a different career.