Betty Ann (Myhrman) Lahti, 88, of Toivola, died on November 8, 2023, surrounded by her family. Betty was born to Olaf and Myrtle (Ringquist) Myhrman on October 5, 1935. She grew up in West Duluth and graduated from Denfeld High School in 1953. After graduation, she attended the University of Minnesota-Duluth. While on a UMD ski trip to Lutsen in 1956, Betty was introduced to her friend Joyce’s brother, Floyd Lahti. They dated briefly but Floyd enlisted in the U.S. Army (serving in Germany) and Betty moved to Miami to work and spend time with her aunts. She kept thinking about him and in 1958 she moved back to Duluth to help care for her ailing father. Floyd had since returned from service and they reunited on Christmas Day, 1958. While they were courting, Floyd would fly his small plane from Toivola to Park Point, where Betty would pick him up in her dad’s DeSoto. They married the following summer on August 14, 1959. Betty moved to the Lahti family farm in Toivola, where she became
PALO â Laskiainen, the Finnish sliding festival that s been tradition in Palo for more than 80 years, won t happen this weekend because of the pandemic. No, itâs never been cancelled except during World War II, longtime committee member Vivian Williams told the Mesabi Tribune. We met in early November to make a final decision â we waited that long mainly to see how the COVID virus situation would be by February. We needed to reach a decision by then because of the many issues that need to be addressed prior to the actual event; i.e. queen selection, making of slides, advertising, work schedules, artisans, supply orders, baking and others, Williams said.