Businesspeople across a range of sectors are discovering Clubhouse as a way to listen in on conversations among the digital influencers behind some of the hottest online trends, including cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence and podcasting.
Popeye, meet the Ramp Walker.
At the Barker Character, Comic and Cartoon Museum in Cheshire, the iconic cartoon character of Popeye lives on in dozens of tin toys, plastic figurines, masks and other collectibles in glass cases for visitors to see (by appointment) and enjoy.
The Ramp Walker, however, exists in a pixelated form for the entire world to see at any time and buy. The Ramp Walker is an NFT, or non-fungible token, an animated digital object created by Gerry Barker of the Barker Museum. The digital creation is based on an actual cast-iron toy made in 1873 from discarded Civil War bullet casings, which sits in a case near the Barker Museum’s front door.
From Jackie Whiteley, retired Conservative District Councillor for Wharfedale Ward Dear Sir: I write to inform residents that I have taken the difficult decision to stand down as a District Councillor on Bradford Metropolitan District Council for personal reasons. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents of Burley in Wharfedale and Menston for their support for me since I was first elected in 2012. It has been a privilege to serve the community and to represent them as an elected member of Bradford Council. During my time on the Council, I was also, for a time, a member of Burley Parish Council and a member of Leeds Bradford Airport’s Consultive Committee. I will look back on my experience in these roles warmly.
Naked Podcast Now Online Thursday, 15th Mar 2012 11:17
You can now hear this week s The Naked Football Show on ICR FM s Listen Again facility, on an MP3 and on iTunes. Graham Blackburn and David James are joined by Gerry Barker to discuss Town’s continuing good form.
ICR FM s Listen Again facility is found in the top right-hand corner of the frontpage of their website. An MP3 is now available here and it is on iTunes here.
The programme goes out live at 6pm every Wednesday on Ipswich Community Radio at 105.7FM if in the Ipswich area or online if not.
Bradford Council said they had no concerns about the Leeds Bradford Airport expansion. In response to a letter from Nick Smith published in last week s paper, I feel I need to make a comment. Whilst I agree that the effects of air pollution, noise locally and the contribution to carbon emissions generally have been disregarded by Bradford Council, I feel I need to rebuke the assertions that local Councillors did nothing. Indeed, this paper published several letters from me outlining what I had asked Bradford Council to do. Firstly, I asked the Council to hold a consultation in the ward on the application to improve the airport buildings and the expansion to flying hours. The Labour controlled Council declined to do so because they said they were not the deciding authority and as Statutory Consultees they were not obliged to do so.