A recent review in the philadelphia enquirer says this exhibition has love, death, and psychodrama. It goes on to examine a wealthy irish noble man who is part kickens with a spritz of Yankee Doodle into there is no doubt that his story from his traumatic head wound, to the demise at the hand of his own tenants is a cracking good tale, but it is more than love, death, and psychodrama. We see the entanglements of the 18th century and the global interconnectedness of the American Revolution. We find a story at the age of revolutions and also a story of today. A story of who we are and how we got here, and what the past means to us as a people or as nations. But we also find a detective story. A decades long mystery that started with two regullatively obscure paintings that had 22 works of art. One of the greatest mysteries of the past year, and my job brings me many, many joys on a regular basis, but one of the greatest has been watching this exhibition evolve and witnessing matts excite
Proclaims this has it all, love, death, and psychodrama. It goes on to describe the life story of richard st. George, the exhibitions starring figure, a wealthy irishman who finds himself on the wrong side of two revolutions in america and ireland, as part dickens with a spritz of yankee doodle. There is no doubt that richard st. Georges story is a cracking good tale, but the story reveals so much more than love my death, and psychodrama. In st. George, we see the complex entanglements of social, cultural, political identities of the time and the connectedness of the American Revolution. In st. George, we find a story of the age of revolution and a story of today, of who we are and how we got here, and what the past means to us as a people or as nations. But in st. George, we also find a detective story. A decades long mystery that started with two relatively obscure paintings, and a mystery that ended with this deal for and moving exhibition featuring 22 works of art depicting or comm