This is our annual summary of current war zones and an overview of where it is all heading After this overview there is the alphabetical list of the war zones and a quick summary of how the local mayhem has been proceeding Since we have been covering t
This is our annual summary of current war zones and an overview of where it is all heading After this overview there is the alphabetical list of the war zones and a quick summary of how the local mayhem has been proceeding Since we have been covering t
IN the last few years the traditional feelings of the United States about France have changed in a very striking manner. On the American side it may be said with some reason that the French people have similarly modified their customary attitude toward the American republic; there recently have even been noisy demonstrations of ill-will.
Political scientist Radoslav Štefančík talks about how Slovakia has changed since the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1993. The questions of our colleague, Patrícia Arpášová, were also focused on .