After COVID, Davos Moves to Great Reset
Published: January 29, 2021
With the USA Biden Presidency, Washington has rejoined the Global Warming agenda of the Paris Accords. With China making loud pledges about meeting strict CO2 emission standards by 2060, now the World Economic Forum is about to unveil what will transform the way we all live in what WEF head Klaus Schwab calls the Great Reset. Make no mistake. This all fits into an agenda that has been planned for decades by old wealth families such as Rockefeller and Rothschild. Brzezinski called it the end of the sovereign nation state. David Rockefeller called it “one world government.” George H.W. Bush in 1990 called it the New World Order. Now we can better see what they plan to impose if we allow.
We have reached a stage where anyone that speaks up for Irish livestock is in danger of being intimidated into silence by condemnation and personalised attacks. But we must let facts emerge. The highly regarded Australian research institute – CSIRO – has just been awarded the million dollar Food Planet prize for their ground-breaking work on feeding a variety of seaweed to cattle to reduce their methane production by about 95%. The recognition of this work by the director of the German Potsdam Institute for climate impact research, as well as the Swedish Stockholm Resilience Centre, both of whom were on the judging panel, should send a clear message that methane emissions in bovines can be controlled by diet.