Clean, green Switzerland, land of chocolate, cuckoo clocks and direct democracy, is revealed to have a history of racial abuse as ugly as any other in Giorgio Diritti’s rolling epic Lubo, showing in competition at the Venice Film Festival. German actor Franz Rogowski plays the title character, a street performer and paterfamilias who is part …
Country Life
April 9, 2021 The Pretty Baa-Lambs shows Ford Madox Brown’s wife and daughter in pin-sharp detail Credit: Alamy Stock Photo
Known for his bold and thoughtful pictures, as well as a fondness for magenta, Ford Madox Brown was one of the most flamboyantly gifted Pre-Raphaelites, even if he was never a member of the sacred brotherhood.
In his prime acclaimed as the most handsome man in London and, in several estimates, its most sparkling conversationalist, Ford Madox Brown born 200 years ago, on April 16, 1821 has survived in laymen’s verdict as a lesser Pre-Raphaelite.
In fact, this industrious, innovative painter, who was never formally a member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, consistently worked hard to preserve the individuality not only of his outlook, but the manner of his painting.