The Catalan family drama “Alcarràs” won the Golden Bear award for best movie at the Berlin International Film Festival on Wednesday. Director Carla Simón’s film was picked from a field of 18 by a seven-member jury under American filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan. He said the movie was honored “for its extraordinary performances, from the child…
The Spanish-Italian family drama Alcarràs won the Golden Bear award for best movie at the Berlin International Film Festival on Wednesday, reported The Associated Press.Director Carla.
BERLIN, Feb 17, (AP): The Catalan family drama “Alcarràs” won the Golden Bear award for best movie at the Berlin International Film Festival on Wednesday. Director Carla Simón’s film was picked from a field of 18 by a seven-member jury under American filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan. He said the movie w