If your group or agency has changed or canceled an event, write to rsilva@redbluffdailynews.com or leave a message at 737-5042. Events Pearl Harbor Remembrance ceremony, December 7 at the Vietnam Memorial, Pine and Main Street. 10 a.m. It will include an honor guard, volley and Taps. Hosted by American Legion Post 167. Coats for Kids […]
If your group or agency has changed or canceled an event, write to rsilva@redbluffdailynews.com or leave a message at 737-5042. Events Pearl Harbor Remembrance ceremony, December 7 at the Vietnam Memorial, Pine and Main Street. 10 a.m. It will include honor guard, volley and Taps. Hosted by American Legion Post 167. Coats for Kids event […]
If your group or agency has changed or canceled an event, write to rsilva@redbluffdailynews.com or leave a message at 737-5042. Wednesday Red Bluff The Tehama County Mosquito and Vector Control District meetings are on at noon on the second Wednesday of the month at 11861 Hwy 99W in Red Bluff. Red Bluff Kiwanis: noon, Elks […]
If your group or agency has changed or canceled an event, write to rsilva@redbluffdailynews.com or leave a message at 737-5042. Events Tuesday Red Bluff City Council, first and third Tuesdays 5:30 p.m. 555 Washington Street Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting, 2nd Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. Planning Commission: 5:30 p.m., 555 Washington St., 527-2200, 4th Tuesday. Red […]