One of the stranger aspects of politics since the 2016 election of Donald Trump is the intense interest of Democrats in counterintelligence, at least if it involves Russia and Republicans.
“As Cubans reflect on the legacy of Fidel Castro, Americans may be surprised that Cubans, even opponents, will be expressing pride in the accomplishments of the Cuban revolution, (italics mine),”
“Lawmakers in the House passed a bill this week aimed at reforming policing in this country. It s called the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act…this bill would ban chokeholds and make it easier to pursue misconduct claims against officers, among other reforms. The lead author is Congresswoman Karen Bass from California,” reported NPR on March 5.
Well, Rep. Karen Bass certainly qualifies as an expert on “police misconduct,” considering that for decades she’s been providing aid and comfort to a police state that jailed and tortured political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin’s during the Great Terror and murdered more in its first three years in power than Hitler’s murdered during his first six.