June 22, 2021 - 3:05pm
Ammerland Black Bread/Ammerländer Schwarzbrot - Ginsberg
Well, lol, as an actor, if dress rehearsal blows opening night has a chance. I m really loving Stanley Ginsberg s The Rye Baker and am drawn especially to dense, really aromatic and really dark rye breads. I was introduced to them by my wife and her family (all Estonian), they are served constantly and I love them but never baked them.
I think a few things may be at play, just guessing. Based on the formula I didn t expect the bread to ferment so explosively, so much so that it was well above the 9 pullman by the end of fermentation. In the oven it sprung significantly.
Although both loaves look the same, there are a few differences. Ammerländer consists entirely of coarse rye meal (80%) and cracked wheat (20%), while Danskt rågbröd, as that video illustrates, contains a large percentage typically 50% or so of rye flour, which creates a smoother, less rustic crumb..Ammerländer hydration is around 55% while the Danskt rågbröd hydrates at over 80%, including soaker water. Ammerländer uses a far smaller proportion of syrup, in the range of 10%, vs. almost 25% for the Danskt rågbröd (Scandinavians LOVE their rye breads sweet!). Seed percentages also differ, with larger amounts in the Danskt rågbröd. Finally, the Ammerländer bakes for nearly 3 hours at 375F/190C vs. about 90 minutes for the Danskt. Other than that, they re pretty similar.
Hello,Some may know I'm looking to follow Gerard Rubaud's process as closely as I can. Integral to that process is to freshly hand-mill his blend of whole grains to accompany bread flour for the developmental stages of his chefs/levains. In the article Marie-Claire wrote on stage 1, she points to a hand-mill from Lehman's which at the time she indicates was around $50.