we want them to stop hurting other people. jesse: is that a consideration in los angeles or throughout the metropolitan areas, geraldo question work geraldo: there is no place for them to go, jesse. greg is absolutely right about that. when they deinstitutionalized, the population once described as mentally retarded or down syndrome or autism, they need to be in a small facility, community-based facility. here you are talking about schizophrenic, bipolar, you are talking about people deemed crazy who are off their meds. they have no place to go. eric adams is right when he says of new york and other big cities, the number one job of government is to keep people safe. if you don t give people a sense of safety and vagrancy is one thing of homelessness and aggressive panhandlers and the people who come up with the squeegee and wipe the windows, all of those things were crimes and forest from the of ed cox