Dressing windows on Oxford Street in London before shops reopen on April 12
Credit: Yui Mok/PA
SIR – In Britain, 79 people out of the 20 million given the AstraZeneca vaccine developed thrombosis (in some cases, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis) – a rate of four in a million.
By comparison, thrombosis can develop while taking the contraceptive pill at a rate of one to five women in 10,000 per year. Women who are pregnant or who have just given birth develop thromboses at a rate of one to two per 1,000.
Out of a population of more than 21 million men and women between the ages of 20 and 44, fewer than 1,000 died from Covid in the year to January 3 2021, according to the Office for National Statistics. This is a mortality rate of one in 20,000.
The Hope and Ruin, once a popular student pub in Brighton
Credit: Luke Dray/Getty
SIR – The idea of pubs opening in April and not being able to sell alcohol (report, February 6) is absurd. It takes no consideration of the hardship that publicans across the country have faced over the previous trading year.
Publicans make money from alcohol and food sales. In my experience as a publican, I have never made a serious amount on soft-drink sales alone. We must also consider the damage that such a policy would do to the wider supply chain. Breweries ultimately rely on selling alcoholic products to pubs.